winnow out
英 [ˈwɪnəʊ aʊt]
美 [ˈwɪnoʊ aʊt]
筛除; 淘汰
- dismiss from consideration or a contest
- John was ruled out as a possible suspect because he had a strong alibi
- This possibility can be eliminated from our consideration
- The Winnow algorithm used in our system is described in detail and a set of experiments is carried out to verify its effect.
文中详细描述了在我们的过滤系统中所使用的Winnow算法以及所进行的一系列证实其有效性的实验。 - Yahoo did not confirm its use, but reports indicate that its high-profile leader, Marissa Mayer, is relying on the stack ratings model to winnow out employees and fire them& the "yank" part of the equation.
虽然雅虎并没有确认这一点,但大量报道显示,这家公司行事高调的掌门人玛丽莎•梅耶尔正在依靠堆垛式评级模型筛除、解雇一些员工&这一评估方程式的“封杀”部分。 - His shovel is ready in his hand and he will winnow his threshing-floor; the wheat he will gather into his granary, but he will burn the chaff on a fire that can never go out.